Armed with a text editor

mu's views on program and recipe! design

# This was run with no filtering, looking for BuildValue, on
# trunk/Python and trunk/Modules. The BuildValue checks suck.
codecs.c:481                                `end' type `int' >< u: Py_UNICODE
codecs.c:481                              `0' type `unknown' >< #: int
codecs.c:513                              `1' type `unknown' >< #: int
codecs.c:634                                `end' type `p <' >< i: int
codecs.c:711                                `end' type `p <' >< i: int
errors.c:320                 `filenameObject' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
errors.c:400                              `err' type `DWORD' >< i: int
errors.c:402                              `err' type `DWORD' >< i: int
errors.c:614                        `message' type `unknown' >< s: char
errors.c:614                       `category' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
errors.c:652                        `message' type `unknown' >< s: char
errors.c:652                       `category' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
errors.c:652                      `lineno' type `const char' >< i: int
errors.c:652                    `registry' type `const char' >< O: PyObject
mactoolboxglue.c:93                     `err' type `unknown' >< i: int
mactoolboxglue.c:179             `t.majorRev' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:179       `t.minorAndBugRev' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:179                `t.stage' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:179            `t.nonRelRev' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:235                `r->left' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:235                 `r->top' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:235               `r->right' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:235              `r->bottom' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:253                    `p.h' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:253                    `p.v' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:275                `e->what' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:275             `e->message' type `unknown' >< l: long
mactoolboxglue.c:275                `e->when' type `unknown' >< l: long
mactoolboxglue.c:275             `e->where.h' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:275             `e->where.v' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:275           `e->modifiers' type `unknown' >< h: short
mactoolboxglue.c:328                  `w->hi' type `unknown' >< l: long
mactoolboxglue.c:328                  `w->lo' type `unknown' >< l: long
ast.c:95                             `errstr' type `unknown' >< z: char
ast.c:95                          `LINENO(n)' type `unknown' >< i: int
ast.c:128                          `filename' type `unknown' >< z: char
ast.c:128                           `Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
pythonrun.c:1448              `err->filename' type `unknown' >< z: char
pythonrun.c:1448                `err->lineno' type `unknown' >< i: int
pythonrun.c:1448                `err->offset' type `unknown' >< i: int
pythonrun.c:1448                  `err->text' type `unknown' >< z: char
import.c:2398                 `builtins_str' type `PyObject' >< {: None
import.c:2454                   `fdp->suffix' type `unknown' >< s: char
import.c:2454                     `fdp->mode' type `unknown' >< s: char
import.c:2454                     `fdp->type' type `unknown' >< i: int
import.c:2496                   `fdp->suffix' type `unknown' >< s: char
import.c:2496                     `fdp->mode' type `unknown' >< s: char
import.c:2496                     `fdp->type' type `unknown' >< i: int
compile.c:323                    `k->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
compile.c:365                    `k->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
compile.c:1761                             `name' type `int' >< O: PyObject
compile.c:1761                `name->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
compile.c:3420                `c->c_filename' type `unknown' >< z: char
compile.c:3420               `c->u->u_lineno' type `unknown' >< i: int
compile.c:3424                       `errstr' type `unknown' >< z: char
skipping ../python/trunk/Python/modsupport.c:418 list index out of range
skipping ../python/trunk/Python/modsupport.c:430 list index out of range
sysmodule.c:153      `tstate->exc_type != NULL ? tstate->exc_type : Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
sysmodule.c:153      `tstate->exc_value != NULL ? tstate->exc_value : Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
sysmodule.c:153      `tstate->exc_traceback != NULL ? tstate->exc_traceback : Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
sysmodule.c:529          `ver.dwMajorVersion' type `unknown' >< H: unsigned short
sysmodule.c:529          `ver.dwMinorVersion' type `unknown' >< H: unsigned short
sysmodule.c:529           `ver.dwBuildNumber' type `unknown' >< H: unsigned short
sysmodule.c:529            `ver.dwPlatformId' type `unknown' >< H: unsigned short
sysmodule.c:529            `ver.szCSDVersion' type `unknown' >< s: char
sysmodule.c:1020           `PY_MAJOR_VERSION' type `unknown' >< i: int
sysmodule.c:1020           `PY_MINOR_VERSION' type `unknown' >< i: int
sysmodule.c:1020           `PY_MICRO_VERSION' type `unknown' >< i: int
sysmodule.c:1020          `PY_RELEASE_SERIAL' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:346                         `fieldID' type `long' >< i: int
svmodule.c:441                       `(long) rw' type `long' >< i: int
svmodule.c:441                       `(long) rh' type `long' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583                  `info.format' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583                   `info.width' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583                  `info.height' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583                    `info.size' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583            `info.samplingrate' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:583                       `videodata' type `char' >< O: PyObject
svmodule.c:652                  `info.format' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:652                   `info.width' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:652                  `info.height' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:652                    `info.size' type `unknown' >< i: int
svmodule.c:652            `info.samplingrate' type `unknown' >< i: int
rgbimgmodule.c:254              `image.xsize' type `unknown' >< i: int
rgbimgmodule.c:254              `image.ysize' type `unknown' >< i: int
regexmodule.c:54                         `-1' type `unknown' >< i: int
regexmodule.c:54                         `-1' type `unknown' >< i: int
_tkinter.c:1795          `Tkapp_Result(self)' type `unknown' >< s: char
_tkinter.c:2221                    `(long) mask' type `long' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:527                    `errno' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:527              `_inet_err()' type `unknown' >< s: char
socketmodule.c:546                  `h_error' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:548                  `h_error' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:571                    `error' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:571      `gai_strerror(error)' type `unknown' >< s: char
socketmodule.c:573                    `error' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:942       `ntohs(a->sin_port)' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:964      `ntohs(a->sin6_port)' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:964         `a->sin6_flowinfo' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:964         `a->sin6_scope_id' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:985            `_BT_L2_MEMB(a' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:999            `_BT_RC_MEMB(a' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:1030  `ntohs(a->sll_protocol)' type `unknown' >< h: short
socketmodule.c:1030          `a->sll_pkttype' type `unknown' >< b: char
socketmodule.c:1030           `a->sll_hatype' type `unknown' >< h: short
socketmodule.c:1030             `a->sll_addr' type `unknown' >< s: char
socketmodule.c:1030            `a->sll_halen' type `unknown' >< #: int
socketmodule.c:1045         `addr->sa_family' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:1045           `addr->sa_data' type `unknown' >< s: char
socketmodule.c:1045   `sizeof(addr->sa_data)' type `unknown' >< #: int
socketmodule.c:2738               `h->h_name' type `unknown' >< s: char
socketmodule.c:3473          `res->ai_family' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:3473        `res->ai_socktype' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:3473        `res->ai_protocol' type `unknown' >< i: int
socketmodule.c:3473  `res->ai_canonname ? res->ai_canonname : ""' type `unknown' >< s: char
mmapmodule.c:225       `self->data+self->pos' type `unknown' >< s: char
mmapmodule.c:225                     `num_bytes' type `long' >< #: int
datetimemodule.c:2043      `GET_TD_DAYS(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2043   `GET_TD_SECONDS(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2043 `GET_TD_MICROSECONDS(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2051          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2051   `delta_getstate(self)' type `unknown' >< N: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2495                      `year' type `else' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2495               `week + 1' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2495                `day + 1' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:2592 `PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *)self->data' type `unknown' >< N: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2601          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2601    `date_getstate(self)' type `unknown' >< N: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2904          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:2907          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:3208                   `1900' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208                         `1' type `else' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208                         `1' type `else' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208    `TIME_GET_HOUR(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208  `TIME_GET_MINUTE(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208  `TIME_GET_SECOND(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208                         `1' type `else' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3208                     `-1' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3318  `TIME_GET_SECOND(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3318 `TIME_GET_MICROSECOND(self)' type `unknown' >< i: int
datetimemodule.c:3403          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:3403    `time_getstate(self)' type `unknown' >< N: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:4438          `self->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
datetimemodule.c:4438 `datetime_getstate(self)' type `unknown' >< N: PyObject
almodule.c:1535                `pvs[i].param' type `unknown' >< i: int
_localemodule.c:390                      `locale' type `int' >< s: char
_localemodule.c:401                      `locale' type `int' >< s: char
_localemodule.c:406                 `Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
_localemodule.c:438                 `Py_None' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
_localemodule.c:438         `mac_getscript()' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:307                              `0' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:307         `#name " object has been closed"' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:694         `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:694                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:694                      `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:700                       `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:700                       `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:700                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:700                      `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:1295                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:1295                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:1295                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:1295                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:1447                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:1447                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:1447                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:1447                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:1772                    `range.less' type `unknown' >< d: double
_bsddb.c:1772                   `range.equal' type `unknown' >< d: double
_bsddb.c:1772                 `range.greater' type `unknown' >< d: double
_bsddb.c:2836                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:2836                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:2836                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:2836                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:2841        `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:2841                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:2841                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3081                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3081                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3081                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3081                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3086        `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:3086                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3086                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3337                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3337                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3337                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3337                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3342        `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:3342                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3342                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3410                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3410                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3410                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3410                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3415        `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:3415                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3415                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3465                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3465                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3465                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3465                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3470        `*((db_recno_t*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_bsddb.c:3470                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3470                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3599                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3599                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3599                     `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3599                     `data.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
_bsddb.c:3668                      `' type `unknown' >< s: char
_bsddb.c:3668                      `key.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
arraymodule.c:1146           `array->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
arraymodule.c:1146   `array->ob_descr->typecode' type `unknown' >< c: char
arraymodule.c:1146           `array->ob_item' type `unknown' >< s: char
arraymodule.c:1146   `array->ob_size * array->ob_descr->itemsize' type `unknown' >< #: int
_hotshot.c:1612        `timeofday_diff' type `unsigned long' >< i: int
_hotshot.c:1612           `frequency.LowPart' type `unknown' >< i: int
_hotshot.c:1614        `timeofday_diff' type `unsigned long' >< i: int
_hotshot.c:1614           `rusage_diff' type `unsigned long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                       `compress' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                      `data_size' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                      `file_size' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                    `file_offset' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                           `time' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                           `date' type `long' >< i: int
zipimport.c:746                            `crc' type `long' >< i: int
timemodule.c:659           `tzname[0]' type `#define tzname' >< z: char
timemodule.c:659           `tzname[1]' type `#define tzname' >< z: char
timemodule.c:706          `_tzname[0]' type `#define tzname' >< z: char
timemodule.c:706          `_tzname[1]' type `#define tzname' >< z: char
fmmodule.c:93           `info.printermatched' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93              `info.fixed_width' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                    `info.xorig' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                    `info.yorig' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                    `info.xsize' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                    `info.ysize' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                   `info.height' type `unknown' >< l: long
fmmodule.c:93                  `info.nglyphs' type `unknown' >< l: long
imgfile.c:387                  `image->xsize' type `unknown' >< i: int
imgfile.c:387                  `image->ysize' type `unknown' >< i: int
imgfile.c:387                  `image->zsize' type `unknown' >< i: int
cgensupport.h:17                         `ch' type `unknown' >< c: char
binascii.c:744                     `crc' type `unsigned int' >< i: int
bsddbmodule.c:547        `*((int*)' type `unknown' >< i: int
bsddbmodule.c:547                         `data' type `else' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:547                 `drec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
bsddbmodule.c:550                 `' type `unknown' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:550                 `krec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
bsddbmodule.c:550                         `data' type `else' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:550                 `drec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
bsddbmodule.c:595            `*((int*)kdata)' type `unknown' >< i: int
bsddbmodule.c:595                        `ddata' type `else' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:595                 `drec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
bsddbmodule.c:598                        `kdata' type `else' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:598                 `krec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
bsddbmodule.c:598                        `ddata' type `else' >< s: char
bsddbmodule.c:598                 `drec.size' type `unknown' >< #: int
resource.c:212                        `pagesize' type `long' >< i: int
_sre.c:1687                `sizeof(SRE_CODE)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:1697          `sre_lower_locale(character)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:1700          `sre_lower_unicode(character)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:1702          `sre_lower_locale(character)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:1704            `sre_lower(character)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:2580                                `n' type `} else' >< i: int
_sre.c:2756                     `self->flags' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:2759                    `self->groups' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:3008             `self->mark[index*2]' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:3031           `self->mark[index*2+1]' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:3197                 `self->lastindex' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:3239                       `self->pos' type `unknown' >< i: int
_sre.c:3242                    `self->endpos' type `unknown' >< i: int
skipping ../python/trunk/Modules/pyexpat.c:610 list index out of range
pyexpat.c:724                   `model->type' type `unknown' >< i: int
pyexpat.c:724                  `model->quant' type `unknown' >< i: int
pyexpat.c:1068       `XML_GetBase(self->itself)' type `unknown' >< z: char
pyexpat.c:1773       `XML_ErrorString((int)code)' type `unknown' >< z: char
pyexpat.c:1874                   `info.major' type `unknown' >< i: int
pyexpat.c:1874                   `info.minor' type `unknown' >< i: int
pyexpat.c:1874                   `info.micro' type `unknown' >< i: int
pyexpat.c:1923             `features[i].name' type `unknown' >< s: char
pyexpat.c:1923            `features[i].value' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                 `status.state' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                 `status.track' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                   `status.min' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                   `status.sec' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                 `status.frame' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100               `status.abs_min' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100               `status.abs_sec' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100             `status.abs_frame' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100             `status.total_min' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100             `status.total_sec' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100           `status.total_frame' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                 `status.first' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100                  `status.last' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100            `status.scsi_audio' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:100             `status.cur_block' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127               `info.start_min' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127               `info.start_sec' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127             `info.start_frame' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127               `info.total_min' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127               `info.total_sec' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:127             `info.total_frame' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:480       `ptr->mhi * 10 + ptr->mlo' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:480       `ptr->shi * 10 + ptr->slo' type `unknown' >< i: int
cdmodule.c:480       `ptr->fhi * 10 + ptr->flo' type `unknown' >< i: int
gcmodule.c:1004      `generations[0].threshold' type `unknown' >< i: int
gcmodule.c:1004      `generations[1].threshold' type `unknown' >< i: int
gcmodule.c:1004      `generations[2].threshold' type `unknown' >< i: int
audioop.c:370                         `factor' type `double' >< f: float
audioop.c:1250                        `index' type `unknown' >< i: int
audioop.c:1340                         `valpred' type `else' >< i: int
parsermodule.c:660                    `elem' type `PyObject' >< o: None
parsermodule.c:713                    `elem' type `PyObject' >< o: None
parsermodule.c:761                   `tuple' type `PyObject' >< o: None
parsermodule.c:800                   `tuple' type `PyObject' >< o: None
parsermodule.c:3085      `pickle_constructor' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
cryptmodule.c:22                 `crypt(word' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:520                      `code' type `unknown' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:2022                `u.sysname' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:2022               `u.nodename' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:2022                `u.release' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:2022                `u.version' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:2022                `u.machine' type `unknown' >< s: char
posixmodule.c:4984              `status << 8' type `unknown' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:5546                       `read' type `HFILE' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:5546                      `write' type `HFILE' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:5995      `WEXITSTATUS(status)' type `unknown' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:6023         `WTERMSIG(status)' type `unknown' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:6051         `WSTOPSIG(status)' type `unknown' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:6231                         `0' type `} else' >< i: int
posixmodule.c:6231   `#ifdef USE_TMPNAM_R "unexpected NULL from tmpnam_r" #else "unexpected NULL from tmpnam" #endif' type `unknown' >< s: char
_cursesmodule.c:789                         `rtn' type `int' >< c: char
_cursesmodule.c:1580                        `r' type `short' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:1580                        `g' type `short' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:1580                        `b' type `short' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:1665                `event.x' type `unknown' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:1665                `event.y' type `unknown' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:1665                `event.z' type `unknown' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:2037              `napms(ms)' type `unknown' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:2116                        `f' type `short' >< i: int
_cursesmodule.c:2116                        `b' type `short' >< i: int
linuxaudiodev.c:439              `info.bytes' type `unknown' >< i: int
linuxaudiodev.c:439             `info.blocks' type `unknown' >< i: int
linuxaudiodev.c:439                `info.ptr' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:662                `info.bytes' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:662               `info.blocks' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:662                  `info.ptr' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:732             `volume & 0xff' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:732    `(volume & 0xff00) >> 8' type `volume & 0xff00' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:759             `volume & 0xff' type `unknown' >< i: int
ossaudiodev.c:759    `(volume & 0xff00) >> 8' type `volume & 0xff00' >< i: int
puremodule.c:347                  `user_size' type `unknown' >< i: int
collectionsmodule.c:604         `deque->ob_type' type `unknown' >< O: PyObject
sunaudiodev.c:271                   `' type `unknown' >< s: char
sunaudiodev.c:271                `ad.version' type `unknown' >< s: char
sunaudiodev.c:271                 `ad.config' type `unknown' >< s: char