Chapter 3. Data Structures

Table of Contents

3.1. Bytecodes
3.1.1. Bytecode Design Goals
3.1.2. Bytecode Data
3.2. Sections

Yasm, like other assemblers and compilers, is at its heart just a data processing application. It transforms data from one form (ASCII source code) to another (binary object code). Thus, the data structures used to keep track of the internal state of the assembler are the most important things for a coder working on the assembler to understand. This chapter attempts to present reasoned explanations for the many decisions made while designing the most important data structures in the yasm assembler.

3.1. Bytecodes

The use of “bytecodes” as the basic building block of the assembler was a fundamental requirement of both the goals (see Chapter 1) and the architecture (see Chapter 2) of yasm. A bytecode is essentially nothing more than a single machine instruction or assembler pseudo-instruction stored in an expanded format that keeps track of all the internal state information needed by the assembler to:

  • Optimize the instruction size by resolving circular dependencies between instructions.
  • Resolve labels that are used before they are defined.
  • Detect error conditions such as undefined labels.
  • Output symbolic debugging information and a list file.
  • Calculate (and re-calculate) sizes and relative positions of instructions and data.

Most, if not all, other assemblers accomplish the above goals by re-parsing the source code in multiple passes. As yasm only parses the code once, bytecodes are needed to store all the information for every parsed instruction and pseudo-instruction. This fundamental difference is a trade-off choice between processing time and required memory space. The bytecode method requires that the entire source file’s content must be stored in memory at one time (its content in terms of assembler state, not the actual ASCII source). To minimize the memory space that must be used, the yasm implementation tries to make the bytecode size as small as possible.

3.1.1. Bytecode Design Goals

  • Instruction set independence: architecture-specific data is associated with each bytecode, but is not a part of the main bytecode data structure.
  • Pseudo-instructions and instructions treated essentially the same. Data declarations and space reserving pseudo-instructions should be treated as a special case of architecture-specific data.
  • Source code syntax independence. Commonalities between syntaxes should be utilized as to make non-parser stages as independent as possible of the original source.

3.1.2. Bytecode Data

To satisfy the above requirements, a good deal of data must be kept in the bytecode data structure. The main bytecode data structure contains such information as:

  • The number of multiples of the bytecode. In some cases, it’s desirable to have an instruction or set of data values repeated a number of times. Rather than storing multiple copies of the bytecode in memory, it saves memory to store the numerical multiple. In addition, the number of multiples may be a more complex expression, depending on the sizes and locations of other bytecodes.
  • The virtual line number (TODO: add reference) describing the source location of the bytecode. Used for symbolic debugging output, list files, and error messages.
  • The total calculated length of the bytecode’s contents. While it may seem that this is a waste of space or a simple space/speed trade-off (instead of recalculating, we save the calculated value), this actually has a more complex reason for being present. See the discussion on optimization for details (TODO: add reference).
  • The starting offset of the bytecode. Used to speed up relative offset lookups from expressions.

Additional data describing the actual contents of the bytecode is associated with the above data. There are two broad categories of this data: assembler pseudo-instructions, which are available on all architectures, and architecture-specific instructions. Data values are treated as pseudo-instructions. Assembler Pseudo-Instructions

To be written.